The beginning

I first made it to the mat aged 16 as a depressed and anxious ridden teen, my dad put on a YouTube video and we both practised together. Ten minutes in I decided this wasn’t for me and dragged myself back up to my room. 2 years later I gave it another go, so off dad and I went to his regular teacher at our local studio. From that day onwards, I knew yoga would always be a part of my life.

My 200hr teacher training

As cheesy at it sounds, it felt like I was coming home when I first got into yoga. My depression eased, my anxiety became manageable and I looked and felt the best I ever had! In September 2020 I embarked on my 200hr teacher training at Yoga Hub London, this was probably one of the most testing times for me. I suddenly lost a friend during this time, trying to manage my grief while training was a journey of self discovery and a lot of uncomfortable growth. I anchored myself to my practice once again and discovered a new level of strength within myself that I would never had known without my yoga practice.

Teaching yoga

I completed my training feeling on top of the world but sh*t scared of standing in front of a room and teaching, my anxiety created a mental block. Sadly I then went on to break my foot (I promise good things do happen in my life). So back I went to a place of more self discovery and adapting my practice in a new way. As soon as the physio gave me the go ahead to get back to normal life I began teaching. Now here I am loving yoga more than ever before and eager to share this practice with anyone willing to learn. Although I don’t recommend breaking a bone this has made me a better teacher with more awareness of students recovering from an injury. To conclude, the point of this message is to show you that I am human too with normal struggles, but through yoga I have overcome them. I invite you on this journey with me and I promise it will change you for the better.

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